Registration Open for January 2022 Group

Ready to truly unlock your greatest potential and get what you truly want NOW?
While many trainers, coaches and leaders promote working hard, grinding it out, and being in Action! Action! Action!, there are many pitfalls that can come along with this basic approach.

You've studied. You've invested in courses and coaches. You've been through it all. You've no doubt achieved some great successes. 

Maybe there's one big goal that has eluded you, or maybe you just want to tap into a groove and a flow that has vanished from your life on your journey towards your goals.

As you have no doubt have experienced in your life, working and pushing through does not always get you the result you want quickly, or sometimes at all.

If you've felt something "off" in the process of grinding it out towards your goal, we'll bet you've also experienced the following:

  • You are seeing progress, but it is nowhere near the speed you want to be moving at.
  • ​You often have a feeling or intuition that the actions you are taking or not the best actions or the most efficient actions.
  • ​You admire those who have succeeded "doing it their way," and get bored with the same basic advice regurgitated over and over.
  • ​Feel you are overdue to reap the benefits of years of hard work and dedication to a certain Big Rock result.
Hey, it's Kate & Justin, and we're here to let you in on a little secret regarding what you've read so far on this page...

This is not the way life is.
These are symptoms of the traditional model of performance.

Putting the YOU back in Universe
The YOUNIVERSE program includes a private community for activating your God-given gifts, expanding yourself, and calling powerful opportunities towards you in a new paradigm of conscious actions and results.

Youniverse is powered by weekly live-streams and Q&A in an interactive and private group setting.

In Youniverse, you will...
  • ​Reset your mind and body to a new paradigm of conscious results (which is way more fun by the way).
  • ​Unlock key personality advantages and Spiritual gifts to deepen awareness and language about who you are at your best.
  • ​Develop your ability to call to you clear openings for action to make the difference you know you're meant to make.
  • ​Bolster a strong constitution for yourself to walk on unshakable ground wherever you go.
Meet The Group Leaders

Justin Messina

An expert in personalized performance coaching, Justin brings a systems approach to achieving 'Big Rock' results with speed. His core methodology facilitates a deep connection to one's gifts and talents that provides direction certainty and action clarity.

Kate Watter

An expert in self realization and integration coaching, Kate brings a profound listening for that which sets life on a trajectory of the miraculous. For almost a decade, Kate has combined the nuances of energetic coaching and healing with the very real world we live in, producing clarity, confidence and results that shift the way life unfolds permanently.  
You Are Powerful Beyond Measure
The Time Has Come To Unleash That Power




One time payment

Flexible payment options available.

A Sneak Peak Inside Youniverse

Schedule of Live-streams in Private Youniverse Group

(also saved and available for replay)

Thursdays at 7:00pm est
12/30- Bonus Body Work
1/6- Week 1: Constitution of You
1/13- Week 2: Open Heart
1/20- Week 3: True Oneness
1/27- Week 4: Neutrality
When You Join Youniverse...
Immediate Access to the Private Facebook Group where we are waiting to give you a warm welcome.
Get started instantly by taking our proprietary assessments for a big picture breakdown of your gifts, which we will use throughout the group.
Get in early to watch our bonus live-stream and connect with the community.
You Are Powerful Beyond Measure
The Time Has Come To Unleash That Power




One time payment

Flexible payment options available.

What people are saying...
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